Mozilla Europe was at Fosdem last week-end and we had our usual booth and conference room. We were happy to be one of the sponsors for the event this year since it was a way to help the whole European FLOSS ecosystem. Fosdem has been the main meeting point for Mozilla contributors for many years and I hope it will continue to be part of our main European events schedule for many years to come (although I also think we should have two major Mozilla meetings per year in Europe, not only one).
A special thank to Monique for helping us with the booth, giving away T-shirts, Posters, badges, giving information to the people stopping by and making sure they were directed to the right Mozilla guys in the conference room if necessary. A big thank as well to Frédéric, our French Seamonkey localizer who drove all the way from Paris and in whose car we stuffed as much stuff as we could for the booth ;)
Mike Schroepfer, VP of Engineering came from the US to give a couple of conferences, one of them about the technical changes in javascript was recorded, you can see it there : Schrep in Fosdem (ogg format 202MB)
Pike blogged about the event and there are lots of pictures in flickr.
Wonderful video! Thank you for the link Pascal.
La discussion continue ailleurs
Mon week-end au FOSDEM
Je tiens d'abord à dire un bonjour tout particulier à Damien Van Achter... qui se reconnaîtra :-) [1] Pour la quatrième fois j'ai eu le plaisir de passer les deux journées du FOSDEM en compagnie de l'équipe de Mozilla-Europe et de celle des...
FOSDEM 2007 - Heard in the Mozilla developer room
During FOSDEM, I shared my time between Mozilla developers room and Mozilla-Europe booth. Here are some random phrases I heard in the room...