Last week I met with Gregorio Robles, teacher from the university Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid and we have decided to see how his department (which is focused on FLOSS researches) and Mozilla could collaborate, even informally.
Gregorio has students studying the Free Software ecosystem, we have cool and fun products, mixing them sounded like a great idea. So we are organizing a MAOW (Mozilla Add-ons Workshop) in Madrid mid December: Details of MAOW
This will be the second MAOW this year after the one we organized in Paris last September (and we do plan to organize more MAOWs in Europe in 2009 now that Paul has joined the team!).
I am very happy to be able to organize this event with Gregorio and his team. BTW, he and his university come every year at FOSDEM and hang in the Research room, i am sure they will find some time to pop in the Mozilla room and talk a few minutes about how their students reacted to the MAOW.