After my recent blog post announcing that I was transisionning from Sublime Text to Atom, I got a couple of nice surprises from the community that fix some of the annoyances I have with Atom or that will just make it better.
How to fix the keyboard shortcut to comment out a single line on a French keyboard
Just click on the 'Edit/Open your Keymap' menu item and put that line at the bottom:
'.platform-linux atom-text-editor': 'ctrl-:': 'editor:toggle-line-comments'
That will make the shortcut work along with the keyboard localization package installed for French (and Belgian French too). If you are on Windows, use the selector .platform-win32 (I don't know what the MacOS one is).
How to have a basic project mode like in Sublime text and be able to switch projects
Install the Project Manager package (thanks to Giorgio Maone, mozilla Add-on dev for the tip), it's roughly equivalent in functionnality to Sublime's built-in project manager and it seems good enough to me. One caveat is that switching from one project to another is a bit slow.
Support for .lang Mozilla syntax files in Atom
This is a nice gift from my colleague Francesco Lodolo, he made a syntax highlighter for the DotLang localization text format we use for and other sites for which we need fast translations for, this will be useful to me but also to Mozilla localizers that could want to use Atom to edit their translations, here is the package:
DotLang language support in Atom
And a screenshot to give you an idea of the end result.
New Version of Atom 1.2 stable and 1.3beta released
This is always nice to have, I like new stuff :) Here is their blog post about it: Atom 1.2
Codeintel equivalent in Atom for PHP ?
There is a series of packages called php-integrator-* (base, autocomplete plus, tooltips, annotations...) that are supposedly providing the equivalent services as Codeintel but after indexing a single project for an hour (bringing my computer to its knees), I couldn't make it work. On a couple of occasions I saw a nice tooltip for a method indexed, but I don't know how I triggered it and I don't get any autocompletion of classes while typing. I guess it's still pretty much alpha stuff but hopefully that will work some day. Also I suspect it tried to index all of my dependencies in the vendor directory… I only need my own code to be indexed, not the external dependencies or a whole framework. The good news I guess is that something is developped and I might get that feature one day.
Atoum integration in Atom ?
Another nice surprise from the community, looks like Julien Bianchi, one of Atoum developers is working on a package to get Atoum in Atom following my request on Twitter:
Many many thanks to him, I am always amazed at how nice the people in the Atoum project are with their users :)
UPDATE: here is the Atoum plugin and a video demoing it
Conclusion of the day
My transition is going well and progressing quickly, today I coded exclusively in Atom, I found some small bugs and needed to get my marks in the new environment but it's not a revolution compared to Sublime and so far I felt rather productive. Most of the problems I have really are in the realm of polishing and finding where an option is set up or what a new shortcut is, that said, the experience is satisfying and I probably didn't get today more headaches than I had when I switched from Geany to Sublime a couple of years ago. So far, so good :)