décembre 2008


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mercredi 31 décembre 2008

27 languages have their own download page on mozilla.com

This post is a follow up to a previous post last month anouncing our first work on localized home pages hosted on mozilla.com.

We now have 26 languages (28 if we count en-US and pt-BR which we already had) with a localized download page for Firefox on our main portal. Several of these locales are 'beta locales', that is localized versions of Firefox which may still countain a few language bugs such as typos or inconsistencies in language. Of course, if you are a native speaker of one of these new locales, your feedback on the translation is very welcome!

I had targeted 37 locales under-represented on mozilla web properties as the first batch of prioritary locales for this project, out of the 11 remaining, 5 are still a short-term target (Bulgarian, Estonian, Esperanto, Welsh and Mongolian) since we have Firefox 3 versions available for them. The remaining 6 are more middle term targets as they are more likely targetting a first release when Firefox 3.1 is out.

Here is the list of languages done:

Great job from all of our localizers and a good start for better download pages in 2009!

NEW YEARS EVE UPDATE: Esperanto is done and published!

samedi 20 décembre 2008

Regreso de noticias en español

Llega 2009 y he decidido volver a escribir en este blog en español puesto que ya no mantengo el otro blog (Plaza Mozilla) que tenía y que mantenía conjuntamente con Noctuido (miembro de Mozilla hispano).

Buena noticia, ya no tendré que mantener dos instalaciones de blogs (uso Dotclear) distintas en el mismo servidor puesto que Dotclear 2.1 es multilingũe y me permite tener hilos RSS/Atom por idioma.

Sí quéréis seguir las noticias en español del blog, podéis agregar este link a vuestro agregador de flujos web: Carnet Web de Pascal (en español)